Tuesday, 12 April 2011

“Deadline” is a happy name.

I am in an unfortunate place, readers. (I’m not sure that should be plural.)

I have got to that horribly awkward stage of my work where I have made enough progress soon enough and close enough to the end that I know I can do the work in the time I have left, and have become horribly unmotivated.

I want the work done, and I want it done as soon as possible, but with the urgency completely pulled out from under me, and inspiration for the last few bits lacking (to say the least) not a lot seems to be getting done.

There are still a few complex thing I need to do, and I know there will inevitably be problems and changes I need to make at the last minute. (as there always is)

However, at the stage I am at, I feel (probably misguidedly) that I can cope with this.

So, new plan. Today I shall make a list of what I need to do, and start crossing things off. Hopefully as I see the list get shorter I will become more motivated!

It’s a horrible time for this too, with the last weak before Easter (and probably hand in, really.) I need to be getting stuff done! But I’m either doing it slowly or just not happy with it.

At least I KNOW I am slacking, so I can begin to deal with it!

(Annoyingly, any coding changes and stuff I need to do will have to wait, because my silly internet connection won’t do anything, and it is a miracle you are able to read this.)

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