So here I am, changing to pixel art!
Pixel art has been something close to my heart for over 5 years now, starting when I was young, gaining more style and focusing it in 2001, and finally breaking into my own style and developing it properly in 2005, and growing ever since.
A character drawn in 2005, and again recently. More detailed and tidy.
The masters is an opportunity to really explore pixel art, various styles, techniques and concepts to really push the boundaries.
If I’ve done this well in 5 years of on and off work, how much can I grow in 18 months of focus and experimentation?
The thing I am most excited to look at is various art styles, and their use of colour and shapes and perspective.
Much like with my Level Designing, Pixel art will involve me boiling things down to their core, to represent it in as little detail as possible, while still having all of the elements present and recognisable.
My one worry is that this will not related to Games Design, or to any future job as it is in some ways fairly outdated, but it is important to remember I may be looking at environment design with this, as well as various concept pieces for vehicles, props, characters and architecture, so there is certainly some crossover.
...Besides, It’s not like I’ve NEVER done any concept work. As a sidenote, if you would like to see my pixel art to date, you can find it
YAY! I'm glad you're finally doing something you enjoy more! AND its something youre good at too! I better watch my back no?