As you can all very much imagine, having to wrap my head around Javascript is not easy (Nor something I think I will ever crack)
However, as my level designs required me to have doors that open when triggered, this was something I had to do on my own, as Unity Answers forum had no advice, and I didn’t want to bother them for something quite so trivial.
Knowing I already had a script that would make a triggering object animate itself, I simply had to change it so that it would be triggered by one thing and animate another.
By editing the “Push” animation trigger, my door opens! (Though it doesn’t seem to want to be a collision object)
Note: as of writing this, I quickly tested, a box collider solved this.
Anyway, my progress may not be the greatest, but apart from the ability to switch levels after completing each, I have pretty much got every element of my game, code wise. I just need to assemble it and pretty it up! Hopefully I'll have a complete level for you soon! (and I recently had to pay out a lot to renew my hosting, so I could continue to provide my blog with demos!)
(And now that I can essentially do triggerd animation and movement, I could probably put my Unreal Editor work into Unity quite easily now)
Not to rain on my own parade, but the object seems to move itself to 0,0,0 in the environment to play the animation. Hmm.
Update 2:
Never mind, I just parented it to a now invisible object and it plays in the 0,0,0 of that shape, so I just move the 2 together.
Could have made a great blog on its own, with the title “Good parenting”
…Damn my love of puns and double meanings.
Update 3:
Having had no luck with a script to load a new scene upon the collision with an object, I again butchered several other codes, and hey presto! I have one. Game progression is a go.
well done!! This all sounds like lots of progress and hugely imprssive to my small brain :D