Monday, 22 November 2010

Context innapropriote

Through these levels, I have tried to make each as relevant to its IP as possible.
Upon completion of my “The Flash” Level design, I realised I had failed quite completely at this in this instance.

Looking back over the source material, it is often the character will be located outside, in some kind of warehouse, or a villains base.

Instead, I went for a trap laid in a local community centre type thing. Go me!

While this isn’t completely off the mark, I feel I could have done a lot better job with this.

Also, I feel the map is too small to see properly, however, if I where to put it on its own page, it would be too spacious.

One important thing to note is that I am learning! This document contained a lot of examples of what happens in the level, specifically the boss fight.
This process of demonstrating an event is what I hope to be doing next semester, so I at least learnt from my mistake!

Ah well, maybe next time?
Untill then, enjoy my failure!

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