Sunday, 21 November 2010

Too rough to be work?

Through the semester, my process (as explained previously) has begun with scrawling notes and doodles of how a game might work, a level might play out, or the mechanics that might be used.
Now, with 2-3 weeks to go, I’ve been thinking about my submission, and what exactly should be fed to the Grade Monster.

While the doodles and notes may be readable to me, and helpful, they are in no way representative of what should be produced in the industry in the way of pre-production documentation.
Ok, so it’s just brainstorming, but is this important enough to show? A lot of my work beyond this is done on computer and is cleaned up and presented, leaving no trace of the process, but ultimately resembles the doodles to begin with.

The important part is that it helps me, and while it may be complete crap to someone else, until I move into the second and third semester, at which point I’ll be working with the aim of industry standard practice, I shouldn’t be penalised for demonstrating in my submission the idea generation process.

So, Grade Monster, if you are reading this, and you have seen a book full of writing and horrid drawings, and wondered why my developmental work is so poor... It’s because it isn’t developmental work, per say, but instead the canvas for my idea paintbrush.

I would have included an example of my super rough work, however I do not have acsess to a scanner! If you are grading this, I'm sure my book will be provided along with the print outs of this blog!

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